Автор: проф. д. ист. н. Манчо ВЕКОВ
Проф. д.и.н. Манчо ВЕКОВ е роден на 20 февруари 1960 г. в София. Завършва Висш икономически институт, София. Научната кариера за почва в Института по история при БАН като „доктор по история” (PhD) след защита на дисертация върху „Проблеми на историческата метрология“, 1990 г.
2014 г. получава научната степен Доктор на историческите науки (DSc) след защита на дисертационен труд на тема: „Единиците за измерване в Европа преди въвеждане на Десетичната метрична система (XVII–XX век)“. 2017 – удостоен е с академичната длъжност професор. Член на Научния съвет на Института за исторически изследвания – БАН и заместник – ръководител на секция „Помощни исторически науки и информатика”. Член на редколегията на списание „Родознание/Genealogia”. Главен редактор на „Интердисциплинарни диалози на историята” (С., 2009, 366 с.) и „Евразийски хоризонти: минало и настояще“ (С., 2011, 437 с.). Автор е над 100 студии и статии, на монографиите: Метричната система в България. Метрични реформи и метрологична дейност ХVІІІ-ХХ век. С., 2007, 276 с.
– удостоена за научно постижение на ИИИ за 2007 г.; Historische Metrologie Bulgariens ХV-ХІХ Jh. Theoretischen und praktischen Aspekten. Sofia. 2010, 148 SS.; Българската гнеалогията в годините на прехода (1990-2015). Историографски и наукометрични аспекти. С., 2017, 613 с.

Born February 20, 1960 in Sofia. He graduated from the Higher Institute of Economics, Sofia. Scientific Field of Career at the Institute of History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as a Doctor of History (PhD) after the defense of a thesis on “Problems of Historical Metrology, 1990. 2014 is awarded the Doctor of Historical Sciences (DSc) after a dissertation thesis defense entitled: “Measurement Units in Europe before the Decimal Meteorological System (XVII-XX centuries)”. 2017 – Professor of the Academy. Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Historical Research – BAS and Deputy Head of Section “Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Informatics”. Member of Editorial Board of Genealogy / Genealogy magazine. Chief Editor of “Interdisciplinary Dialogues of History” (S., 2009, 366 p.) And “Eurasian Horizons: Past and Present” (Sofia, 2011, 437 pp.). Author has more than 100 studies and articles, the monographs: The metric system in Bulgaria. Metric Reforms and Metrology Activity 18th-20th Century. С., 2007, 276 pp. – awarded for the scientific achievement of the IEI for 2007; Historische Metrologie Bulgariens XV-XIX Jh. Theoretischen und praktischen Aspekten. Sofia. 2010, 148 SS .; The Bulgarian Gyneology in the Years of the Transition (1990-2015). Historical and scientific aspects. C., 2017, 613 pp.
Abstract: General of the Infantry Vasil Ivanov Kutinchev was born on 9 March 1859 in the town of Ruse. His career, spanning more than 40 years, was marked by outstanding contributions to the development of the Bulgarian Armed Forces. He was an officer, and later a General, devoted entirely to the service – the most important and equally difficult sector of the officer’s profession. Step by step, this Bulgarian climbed the entire hierarchical ladder, from a junior officer (Squad Commander) to a Chief of Military Inspection Area and Army Commander. In the meantime, he had over 30 part-time positions and functions, 18 of which were related to the production of regulatory documents concerning the Army’s development. His activities as a builder of the Bulgarian Armed Forces, as a leader and as a talented commander, had ensured his leading place in the history of the Third Bulgarian Statute.
Key words: General, Vasil Ivanov Kutinchev, Bulgarian Armed Force, Chief of Military, Army Commander