Besarb S. Blakaj has postgraduate studies MBA at the Technische Universität Vienna, graduated BA in Insurance College Pjetër Budi Prishtina, graduated with the title Dip. CII from Chartered Insurance Institute and professional training at Malta International Training Center MITC. In 2019 he received the degree of Master of Arts in Management, specializing in Insurance Management. With over 20 years of work experience in the insurance industry, during which time he led the project of transformation of management from international to local staff in the Insurance Company Siguria (2001-2003). He also headed the Undewriting and Sales Department as Executive Sales Director at the Dukagjini Insurance Company (2003-2008). In 2004 Besarb Blakaj as one of the founders, was a member of the Board of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo (AmCham Kosova), and in 2007 was a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute, London. Besarb Blakaj held the position of managing partner in the company Global LTD (2008-2015). He is a member of the Board of the AAB Institute for Accounting and Certified Auditors and Chairman of the Board of Kosovo Insurance Bureau. For the past seven years and currently Besarb Blakaj is CEO of the PRISIG Insurance Company. Now he is a doctoral student at the „G. S. Rakovski“ Military Academy at the Faculty of „National Security and Defense“.
Abstract: The insurance contract provides protection against damages that may occur in various situations. By signing the insurance contract, the parties are obliged by law to comply with the contract, which is why the resulting obligations must be fulfilled in full. There are some essential elements that must not be violated, otherwise there are a number of penalties. The insurance premium is paid according to the agreement and conditions specified in the contract or if a lump sum is specified, it will be payable upon conclusion of the contract.
Key words: insurance, insurance contract, premium, terms, damage, risk
Бесарб С. Блакай
Резюме: Застрахователният договор осигурява защита срещу щети, които могат да възникнат в различни ситуации. С подписването на застрахователния договор страните се задължават по закон да спазват договора, поради което произтичащите от това задължения трябва да бъдат изпълнени в пълен размер. Има някои съществени елементи, които не трябва да бъдат нарушавани, в противен случай има редица санкции. Застрахователната премия се заплаща по договореност и условия, посочени в договора или ако е посочена еднократна сума, ще бъде платима при сключване на договора.
Ключови думи: застраховка, застрахователен договор, премия, условия, щета, риск