Проф. д-р Илин Савов
Факултет „Полиция“, Академия на Министерство на вътрешните работи
Резюме: В статията се разглеждат развитието на електроните съобщения и мобилните услуги, които имат все по-голямо значение както за телекомуникационния сектор така и за социално-икономическия напредък в световен мащаб. Направен е анализ и оценка на тенденциите в дългосрочен и краткосрочен план на електроните съобщения в Република България.
Ключови думи: мобилни гласови услуги, фиксирана телефонна услуга, електрони съобщения, Закон за електроните съобщения, сигурност.
Prof. Dr. Ilin Savov
Faculty „Police”, Academy of the Ministry of the Interior
Ilin SAVOV was born in 1980 in Smolyan. Since 2000 he has been recruited as an operative officer in the national security services of the Republic of Bulgaria. In 2013 he defended his doctorate in “National Security” at the Academy of the Ministry of Interior. Since 2019 he is a professor at the Academy of the Ministry of Interior, and since 2020 – is a professor at the Military Academy “G. S. Rakovski” and Plovdiv University „Paisii Helendarski“. He conducts a course of lectures in the bachelor’s and master’s programs at the Academy of the Ministry of Interior, New Bulgarian University and the Military Academy “G. S. Rakovski ”. He is an established expert on the problems of national and international security, as well as on operative-search and operative-technical activities for protection against encroachments and criminal acts. He gives a number of reports at prestigious scientific forums at home and abroad. His research interests are focused on the management and operation of security services, human trafficking, migration processes, the use and control of special
Abstract: The article examines the development of the Electronic Communications and mobile services which becoming more important for the telecommunications sector and the socio-economic progress worldwide. An analyze is made of evaluation of trends in long and short term of Electronic Communications in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Keywords: mobile voice service, fixed telephony service, electronic messaging, law on electronic communications electronic communications law, security